Christmas was only a week and a bit ago but it already seems like ages have passed.
Our crew and Nanna Freddie & Poppy convoyed up to Perigean Beach - one of our favourite little places. We had a lovely house for 10 nights with our own pool and directly across the road from the beach. Needless to say, a lovely time was had by all - especially the little ratbags who had the time of their lives.
Before we headed up though we still had to have a tree at our place. This year I let the kids decorate it all by themselves, so it goes without saying that it looked like a schmozzle. But a beautiful one that they were extremely proud of. Pretty, perfect Christmas trees have got nothing on ones decorated with love (and limited height range!).
The day after the tree went up the little ones awoke to the arrival of our faithful fairies who have set their door up under our Christmas tree for three years now. They always delight us with their tricks, treats and teeny tiny little notes. Every morning you could hear the pounding of footsteps straight out to the tree to see what would await them. Such a lovely, magical tradition.
Our Christmas tree at Peregian wasn't quite as big nor elaborate, but again it was decorated by my two favourite little people.
Thanks to our note to Santa earlier in the month, he was able to find us at the beach house. He tucked into the shortbread and milk we left out for him and the reindeer made a right mess of their food and the carrots - although I must concede that Eve ate a fair bit of the carrot before she went to bed!
Our Christmas day could not have been a better slice of Christmas in Australia. We spent most of the day between the beach and the pool, cranked up the air-conditioner to stay cool, ate our bodyweight in prawns and oysters (and trifle!) and swatted a few flies. It was delightfully relaxing with no one needing to drive anywhere.
Once we had Christmas out of the way it was time to really kick back and enjoy ourselves.
Ol's favourite way to do that? CANNONBAAAAALL!! His extremely vocal jumps (and sometimes bellyflops) into the pool could be heard from halfway across town! He really got the most out of the pool with many swims each day. What our pool lacked in size it made up for in depth and Ol took great pride in being able to retrieve pool toys from the very bottom of the VERY deep pool.
Eve took more of a laid back approach and like her mother (and Aunty Alicia!) she was very happy just lazing around in a swim ring. It wasn't until the day before we left that I was able to coax her out of the ring and get her to show off her swimming skills. Once she realised she could swim and how much fun it was it was pretty hard to get her back into it. I'm kind of glad it took her so long, as it was a lot more relaxing for me when I knew she was safely floating around.
Little miss also enjoyed being allowed to scooter inside the house which took her scootering skills from practically zero to pretty darn awesome. She was even so cool she had to wear shades!
And with that, Christmas is over. The kids are still in holiday mode and Eve is still checking every morning to see if Santa has left her another present. But poor Nick is back at work while I have a few more days off. Ol's birthday is rushing up and the new school year is looming. 2015, let's do this!!!
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