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Showing posts from October, 2011

Thank goodness it is Friday

The weeks really are starting to fly by. I can't believe it has been 13 weeks now that we have had this gorgeous little girl in our world. She continues to be an absolute joy and I am just so damn lucky to be her mummy. This week she achieved two milestones. The first was to roll from her tummy to her back. Arguably not that exciting though as it is significantly caused by gravity but she has worked out how to lean so that her body weight kicks in and does the rest. She did it four times in a row the first time so I'm pretty sure it wasn't a fluke. The second achievement is an extension of the other week when she worked out that her hand went quite nicely into her mouth. Today she figured out how to hold an object (that I put into her hand) and of course that object then went into her mouth. Delicious. Who knows what she will learn next week. It is amazing watching them learn. Obear is also doing a great job of learning himself. Today he learned how to take his

Brought to you by the letter "O"

Apologies for the incredibly late blog this week. I have been having some technical difficulties uploading photos. I've also been incredibly busy printing millions (well a few at least) t-shirts in preparation for our first big market on 19 November. So because I have been busy I decided that this week's blog can be brought to you by none other than the Olliebear. How you ask? Well last week Ollie discovered our point and shoot camera, which thankfully is one of those awesome ones you can throw at a rock underwater and it will still work. So O has been having a great time toting the camera around with him and taking some lovely little pics. So here we have the world through Ollie's eyes... The top photo is of his and my shadow at the beach. This is a personal fave of mine. Nice composition, even a bit of a dutch tilt going on! This one is of "rainbows" on the floor. The rainbows are the sun shining through the crystals on my candelabra. You can also see a

Welcome to the world

Welcome to the world to our newest relative Alexander Luke Dower, who arrived a few days ahead of schedule over the weekend. The original plan was that Alex would share his birthday with his dad, but it seems that little Alex wanted a special day of his very own. We took Ollie and Evie up to the hospital to meet their new cousin and to give our best wishes to Mum Fiona and Dad Luke. We can't wait until Alex gets a bit bigger and then we shudder to think of all the shenanigans these three will get up to over the years. Evie and I had another girly outing over the weekend to my friend Phoebe's hens celebration. I have known Phoebe since 1987 so it was a real thrill to catch up again for such a lovely occasion. But since it was an afternoon affair I was able to take Evie along with me - which is a good thing and also not such a good thing. I'm itching to go to a social event without her soon but it is probably a while off. It is funny that when you have a baby with you,

The greatest team of all (again)!

We have had so many occasions to sing the Geelong Cat's team song since Ollie was born that you would think he would know the words by heart now. And last Saturday we were lucky enough to get one more chance to sing it this season when the Cats thumped the feral Pies in the Grand Final. For anyone who doesn't follow AFL, Collingwood are the team that everyone despises (probably even the Pies fans themselves, if they have half a brain, which they probably don't). So the win was even sweeter. It was also especially sweet for Pa Chris, a lifelong diehard Cat's fan, to score three tickets to the final at the last minute from a very generous friend. Nick was extremely jealous indeed. Now the AFL Grand Final is held on a Saturday afternoon, i.e. prime kidlet time, so we had to get a little creative about how we were going to wrangle the TV to ourselves and a bit of peace and quiet. The solution? A super awesome cubby house complete with its own LCD TV, Stanley the Dog,